USA Today Bestselling Cozy Mystery Author

#amreading16 Summer Reading Scavenger Hunt

Stephen King is famous for telling writers to read more. As I was flipping through my rapidly growing TBR pile, I realized just how little I read now, compared to how much I used to read. Not only that, but I’m always reading the same things. So I’m going to challenge myself this year to a Summer Reading Challenge. I’m going to start on May 1st and go through the end of August.

But I’m not just going to read things I already know I want to read. This year, I really want to challenge myself. I want to read books that I might not have “run across” without going and looking for them. So this is going to be my summer reading Scavenger Hunt.

If you would like to participate with me, I will be issuing a challenge next week. If you meet that challenge, you will be entered to win our Summer Reading Scavenger Hunt giveaway.

What about you? What kinds of books do you want to challenge yourself to read?