USA Today Bestselling Cozy Mystery Author

The Storytelling Heart Of An Author

I had the wonderful opportunity last fall to be a guest on the radio show of an old friend, Vonni Widdis. Vonni is president of Nextep Digital Storytelling & Consulting  in Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada). Nextep is a digital storytelling consulting business helping people bring their personal narratives to life. You can find out more about Vonnie here.

Vonni’s show airs on BBM Netowrk and she hosts a wonderful array of people and brands. We had a chance to visit about everything from Scottish historical romances to young adult fiction from the Old West. Even my cat made an appearance. I think it’s something you might enjoy. Thanks again to Vonni for her time. I had a blast. My part on the show begins around 29:30 in. enjoy!

CLICK HERE to Listen to the show.
